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CHLNet Leadership Resources

CHLNet is a not-for-profit, purpose-built coalition of 40+ organizations who gather to build health leadership capacity and capabilities across Canada. They have compiled an inventory of leadership development programs that are available to CSPL members only, including:

Leadership Development Self-Assessment – by completing the self-assessment you will get a PDF output of your unique profile that will guide you in selecting what domains and capabilities to focus your learning on. This tailored feedback will help you discover your unique leadership traits and strengths, enabling you to become a more impactful leader in the world.

Leadership Development Inventory – updated annually, it contains almost 90 entries including virtual education offerings that can be sorted by leadership role, preferred location, preferred duration, and by key words using the search function.

Wise Practices in Leadership Development (WPLD) Toolkit – provides an electronic toolkit of evidence/experience-based and emerging/innovative practices. Refreshed in 2022, it offers one stop shopping for those either beginning or looking to revitalize their organizations’ leadership development approach.